Get and paste html
Gets the document content as HTML code, modifies it, and pastes back to the document.
Plugin type: visual, non-system.
Supported editors: documents, spreadsheets, presentations.
Analogue: Doc2md.
Available by default in ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition and Community Edition (Docs + Workspace).
You can also download this plugin from the ONLYOFFICE App Directory and install it following the desktop or cloud installation instructions.
- Select the necessary content.
- Open the Plugins tab and press Get and past html.
- The HTML code of the selected content will be automatically displayed in the plugin window. You can modify this code or write your own one.
- To paste the modified or your own HTML code into the document, press the Paste into document button.
Plugin structure
Repository on GitHub: html.
config.json, index.html, and code.js
The translations folder which contains translations into Russian, German, Spanish, Czech, and French.
Third-party service:
- CodeMirror- versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser. License: MIT License.
- prettier.js - an opinionated code formatter. License: MIT License.
"name": "HTML",
"nameLocale": {
"fr": "HTML",
"es": "HTML",
"pt-BR": "HTML",
"de": "HTML"
"guid": "asc.{E581C417-3C80-4BC2-B42D-502850FDC1E7}",
"version": "1.0.3",
"variations": [
"description": "Get your document content as HTML code, modify it, and paste back to the document.",
"descriptionLocale": {
"fr": "Obtenez le contenu de votre document sous forme de code HTML, modifiez-le et collez-le dans le document.",
"es": "Obtenga el contenido de su documento como código HTML, modifíquelo y péguelo de nuevo en el documento.",
"pt-BR": "Obtenha o conteúdo do seu documento como código HTML, modifique-o e cole-o novamente no documento.",
"de": "Erhalten Sie den Inhalt Ihres Dokuments als HTML-Code, modifizieren und fügen Sie ihn wieder ins Dokument ein."
"url": "index.html",
"icons": ["resources/light/icon.png", "resources/light/icon@2x.png"],
"icons2": [
"style": "light",
"100%": {
"normal": "resources/light/icon.png"
"125%": {
"normal": "resources/light/icon@1.25x.png"
"150%": {
"normal": "resources/light/icon@1.5x.png"
"175%": {
"normal": "resources/light/icon@1.75x.png"
"200%": {
"normal": "resources/light/icon@2x.png"
"style": "dark",
"100%": {
"normal": "resources/dark/icon.png"
"125%": {
"normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.25x.png"
"150%": {
"normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.5x.png"
"175%": {
"normal": "resources/dark/icon@1.75x.png"
"200%": {
"normal": "resources/dark/icon@2x.png"
"isViewer": true,
"EditorsSupport": ["word", "cell", "slide", "pdf"],
"isVisual": true,
"isModal": false,
"isInsideMode": true,
"initDataType": "html",
"initOnSelectionChanged": true,
"store": {
"background": {
"light": "#F5F5F5",
"dark": "#444444"
"screenshots": [
"icons": {
"light": "resources/store/icons",
"dark": "resources/store/icons"
"categories": ["specAbilities", "work", "devTools"]
Methods and events
- button
- init
- onTranslate
- executeMethod ("PasteHtml")
If you want to request a feature or report a bug regarding this plugin, use the issues section on GitHub.